
Software and tools: statistical evaluations and Excel solutions for laboratories in clinical research

ACOMED statistics works for clinical research laboratories in the pharmaceutical industry, from IvD manufacturers and laboratory medicine. In addition to statistical evaluations, usually as part of method validations, ACOMED statistics offers to create software solutions in MS Excel (VBA programming, possibly with the integration of programs in R) as part of projects. These Excel solutions are extensively validated depending on the requirements of the client (e.g. double programming, checking using examples, sometimes including unfavorable constellations, etc.)
Some very simple tools are available for free download, others are sold via the web shop. The complex tools represent single-user solutions that we present to you in this area of the website.

free Excel tools

When dealing with various questions or preparing statistical seminars, small Excel tools are created that are too good to disappear in the drawer - be it the evaluation of four-field tables to determine the diagnostic quality, the Pearson-Clopper confidence interval of a proportion or a TOST (two one sided t-test) for proof of equivalence. We provide them to you here available free of charge.

VBA programming

Whether for routine evaluations in the pharmaceutical test laboratory or for the evaluation of method validation experiments in routine: sometimes single-user solutions with the ease of use of Excel, the statistical variety of R methods and the validation depth of the FDA are required. ACOMED statistics programs such evaluation tools. You can find more information here.

Online store

In our web shop you can buy 3 Excel tools and book webinars. click hereto go to the webshop.

Interface Excel - R

If you want to combine complex statistical methods programmed in R with the comfort of data entry and result output that you are used to from Excel, it is advisable to start R scripts from Excel using VBA programming and to "collect results" using Excel and in the usual way Way to show.

Many years ago we developed a simple interface for this, which we here happy to provide.
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